Nick contacted me a few weeks ago about proposing to his girlfriend. I was pretty excited as I love proposal stories and to be a part of one just makes me a little giddy inside. Nick and Kelly live in Memphis and were flying to DC for Labor Day weekend so I had to do a little location reconnaissance on Nick’s behalf. He let me know what hotel they would be staying at and where they would be having dinner the day he planned to ask Kelly to spend the rest of his life with him. Nick had the idea to propose on the National Mall but those of us in the area, know that the mall has hideous fences up with piles of dirt everywhere. I advised him that smaller park would make it easier for me to find them (not to mention more pleasing to the eye). I find a few park on Google Earth that would work for Nick and we narrowed them down his favorite. I scoped it out one evening after work to see what the best places for him to propose would be and of course locations for me to hide!
Friday morning I had to do some anti-rain dancing in hopes that the cloudy DC day didn’t turn into rain right around the time Nick was planning to propose and it worked! After work I hoped on the Metro and headed over the National Mall and walked over to Enid A. Haupt Garden to wait for Nick and Kelly. I sat on a bench right outside the gate on Independence Ave., waited for Nick and Kelly to walk around and then captured him getting down on one knee and surprising Kelly! It was beautiful and her reaction was so cute, she was so shocked and excited!
We took a few photos around the garden and then walked down the National Mall and tooks some more photos around some of the monuments and memorials. The whole time Kelly and Nick were both so happy and excited. They spent a lot of time calling their friends and family to share the good news. Everyone was so excited for them and I thought that it was very sweet how they couldn’t help but share this moment with their loved ones. I even captured them FaceTiming Nick’s Mom and even taking an obligatory ring selfie!