Editorial portraits. Lively candids.
Wedding photography for couples who crave human connection and lasting relationships.

Iconic, editorial wedding photography for modern couples. Curated photographs intentionally captured with your vision of living in the moment while building your legacy in love and family.
Wedding photographers in Washington, DC.

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Weekend Wanders

Boy this weekend was rough! Good but rough. Friday night was date night for Alex and me; we went to see Pitch Perfect 2. If you haven’t seen it already, do yourself a favor and go! Alex and I loved the first one, although we didn’t see it together. There was a point in time where it was on HBO OnDemand and I watched it every night before bed. I was obsessed.

Saturday was an early day. And by early I mean I was up and out of the house earlier that I am during the week to commute to DC! My 11 year old cousin, Teja is in a program called Girls on the Run and she ran her first 5k. I couldn’t have been any prouder to run it alongside her to see her through to the finish line. She finished like a champion.

After the race, I quickly drove home showered and got on the road to Southern Maryland to second shoot with Stacey. Stacey was the first photographer to let me second shoot with her without having any wedding experience and I’m so thankful to her for taking a chance on me. I look forward to working with her some more this wedding season.

Luckily the wedding ended at nine and I was home early enough to catch some sleep to run another race that I barely trained for. I signed up for the 2015 Marine Corps Historic Half last summer and had every intention of training like a winner, but with my new job and school workload it just didn’t happen. I took the first 5 miles pretty slow to stay with a friend who was also running that had just recently been in a car accident. But it was hurting my legs to shorten my stride that after those first 5 miles I went off on my own running and walking the rest of the way. I forced myself to listen to my body and give it the breaks as needed since it wasn’t ready. It hadn’t trained, and I already suffer from plantar fasciitis which flares up a lot more frequently than I would like. I crossed the finish line and that’s all the matters.

After the race I waited for my friend to finish and we made our way over to the Stoufer’s Mac and Cheese truck that was giving out little bowl of mac & cheese for free! We couldn’t say no to that. We then made our way back to Woodbridge both feeling defeated and accomplished at the same time. My body hurt and my feet were in pain. I thought to myself as I walked up Hospital Hill if I could even continue trying to run longer distances. Yet this morning, I’m on my phone at 6:30am on my way to work trying to register for the Army Ten Miler. It’s a love hate relationship. And until a doctor tells me my body is in no condition to run, I’m going to keep trying… turtle’s pace or not.

We got back to my apartment and after taking some much needed showers, we chowed down on some leftover spaghetti and I passed out only waking up to eat pizza for dinner and unfortunately fall asleep during Game of Thrones.

Please enjoy my sweat cell phone pics! 😉


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